9-1-1 is only to be used in emergency situations
An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from a police officer, a firefighter or a paramedic. Sometimes all three will respond, such as in the event of a serious traffic collision where people are trapped or injured. If you are ever in doubt of whether a situation is an emergency, you should call 9-1-1.
It's better to be safe and let the 9-1-1 calltaker determine if you need emergency assistance. If you know your situation is not an emergency, then call our non-emergency phone line 416-808-2222.
Not sure what help you need?
When the 9-1-1 operator answers the phone, they will ask if you want the police, fire or ambulance. Tell the 9-1-1 operator up front, which one you want. If you don't know what help you need, tell the operator so they can determine that for you. Always answer all the 9-1-1 operator's questions. They have important questions that need to be answered. In a stressful situation, you may not understand why you are being asked these questions. Just remember, their primary goal is to keep you safe and out of harm's way. If the 9-1-1 operator tells you to go outside, go to another room, unlock the door... please do so and always follow their directions.
Help is on the way
After the 9-1-1 operator has been assured of your safety, you will be asked questions about the person(s) involved in the situation. Some of these questions will involve relating what you saw and what you heard. Don't get frustrated. The person you are talking to is not the person who is coming to see you. While the 9-1-1 operator is talking to you on the phone, Police officers and other emergency responders will be on the way to your location. When you call 9-1-1, you are our eyes and ears. We rely heavily on what you can relate to us. Don't be scared or frustrated. Let the 9-1-1 operator guide you with their questions.
Multiple languages:
9-1-1 is offered in 180 languages. Callers should state what language they wish to speak at the beginning of the call and the Communications Operator will place the call on a momentary hold while connecting to an interpreter. Callers should remain on the line while it is connected.
Text With 9-1-1
This service is not available to everyone. It is only available for the Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing and Speech Impaired (DHHSI).
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