preventcrimetps - If a thief is determined to steal your vehicle, they will! Your job is to make it difficult for them so they abandon the job! They want to get the job done quickly and quietly, so the more obstacles you put in their way, the better.
Theft of Vehicle is on our Top 10 list of major crime indicators! Not a list you want to be on. The last few years has seen a continuous rise in the number of high end vehicle thefts and GTA policing agencies have partnered to put a “dent” in the success of organized crime rings alleged to have been shipping stolen vehicles overseas. Reprogramming ignition computers, magnifying a key fob’s signal, disabling horns and alarms, are just some of the ways in which technology is being manipulated making vehicle theft a possibility.
How can you prevent your vehicle from being stolen? 1. Always lock your vehicle 2. Park in your garage whenever possible 3. Use anti-theft devices 4. Cover your VIN 5. Place key fobs in a Faraday Bag 6. Install GPS tracking device 7. Use your parking brake