How to reduce the risk of vehicle theft:
When parking your vehicle:
Turn ignition off and TAKE the keys with you. Store your key fobs (all of them) in a metal container/RFID pouch or Faraday bag which prevents people from spoofing your key and prevents hackers from reproducing the signature key code that your key fob generates, denying them access to your vehicle.
NEVER leave your car running and unattended.
NEVER leave children or pets in vehicle while unattended.
Park in a well-lighted, attended area if possible.
Lock all valuables in your trunk.
Completely close and lock doors and windows. Lock it or LOSE it!
Turn your wheels to the side to make it harder to tow.
When at home: If you have a garage, use it and LOCK it. If you have a rear-wheel drive car, back into driveway. If you have a front-wheel drive car, park front end first. Always set the emergency brake. Don't leave the ownership or insurance cards in the vehicle when unattended.