Do you know about the TAXI SCAM ??? We have seen an increase in this type of scam. Here is how it works. A person approaches you and says the taxi won’t take cash ( due to COVID) They ask you to pay the fair with your debit card and they will give you the cash for it. The fair cost is always under 10 dollars - and your a nice person so you agree to do this. You hand your bank card over to the driver (who is also involved) and after you type in your PIN number an excuse is made for the driver to have the terminal back in their hands. At this point your debit card is switched with another one of the same bank. You take the cash and card and go on your way. Now the criminals have your debit card , your PIN number and they drain your account. A taxi can not refuse any type of payment. They take cash, credit and debit. These cabs have a taxi light on top but no credentials on the interior and no markings on the exterior. If you see this happening or are approached call 911. Now you know…. And knowing is half the battle! - tps22div